Rigui Zhou (Dean)



Rigui Zhou receivedhis B.S. degree (June, 1997) from the Shan Dong University,China💁🏻、M.S.degree(May,2003) in the Department of Computer Science and Technology ofNanchang Hangkong University, China And PhD. in the Department ofComputer Science and Technology of Nanjing University of Aeronauticsand Astronauts (November, 2007), China. From 2008 to 2010, as a PostDoctoral fellow in the Tsinghua University, China. From 2010 to 2011,also as a Postdoc of CarletonUniversity,Ottawa,Canada. From 2014 to2015, As a visiting Scholar 0f North Carolina State University,Raleigh, NC, USA. Currently he is a Professor of College ofInformation Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, China. He is asenior member of China Computer Federation(CCF) and IEEE. Hisresearch interests include quantum image processing, quantumreversible logic and quantum genetic algorithm, et al.


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