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    A 工業監控紅外、可見光信息采集B 監控系統顯示終端
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    8.“面向嵌入式應用的高分辨率人臉實時檢測, 專用集成電路與系統國家重點實驗室開放課題






    1. Weina Zhou, Xiangyang Xue, Yun Chen. low-rank and sparse decomposition based frame difference method for small infrared target detection in coastal surveillance, IEICE transactions on Information& System,2016, E99-D(2):554-557.(SCI源)
    2. Weina Zhou, Huafeng Wu, Xiaoyang Zeng. A Low Cost Architecture for High Performance Face Detection, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2015, 39(6):339-347.(SCI源)
    3. Weina Zhou, Lin Dai, Yao Zou, Xiaoyang Zeng, Jun Han. A High Speed Reconfigurable Face Detection Architecture Based on AdaBoost Cascade Algorithm, IEICE Transactions on Information & System, 2012,E95-D, no.2, pp.383-391.(SCI源)
    4. Zhijing Xu, Junjun Zhang, Yun Zhang, RGB Image Processing Based on Compressed Sensing, IET International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, 2012, 543-547.
    5. Zhijing Xu, Li Jiang, Huanlei Dai, A method of seabed soil image reconstruction based on Compressed Sensing, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 487, 3-6.
    6. Zhijing Xu, Zhongzhou Wang, Research on Image Watermarking Algorithm based on DCT, International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology ,2011, 1129-1135.
    7. Zhijing Xu, HuanLei Dai, PeiPei Cao, Processing of Sonar Image Based on Compressive Sensing, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 719-723.
    8. Weina Zhou, Yao Zou, Lin Dai, Xiaoyang Zeng. A high speed reconfigurable face detection architecture, in proceeding of 9th IEEE International Conference on ASIC(ASICON), 2011:83-86.Oct. (EI)
    9. Weina Zhou, Shuai Wang, Xiaoyang Zeng. The Design and Realization of a Divider with Adjustable Precision in Fingerprint Enhancement, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference(APSIPA ASC) 2011, Oct. 1145-1148(EI)
    10. Zhou Weina, Han jun, Zeng Xiaoyang, Yan Weiwei. Fingerprint verification based on wavelet and edge detection,Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI), 2009, 3: 1001-1004.(EI)
    11. Zhou Weina, Xu Zhijing, Hu Wenhua, A Target Detection System Based on Matlab Web Server, Proceeding of 2nd International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumentation (ISTAI), 2008, 4: 2158-2161. (ISTP: BLK80)
    12. Zhou Weina, Xu Kaiyu, Li Shuangyi, A Method for Ship Target Detection Based on Image Fusion🤸‍♀️,Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI), 2007, 2: 923-926. (EI: 083811549958, ISTP: BGX83)
    13. Xu Kaiyu, Hu Wenhua, Zhou Weina, Target Detection Based on the Artificial Neural Network Technology. The 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2: 337-341, 2006. (EI)
    14. Xu Kaiyu, Hu Wenhua, Zhou Weina, Target Detection in Infrared Image Sequence Based on Background Prediction. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2(3): 959-963, 2006. (EI)
    15. Xu Kaiyu, Hu Wenhua, Zhou Weina, Target Detection Based on the Background Prediction. 1st International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumentation, 2: 869-872, 2006. (ISTP)
    16. Zhijing Xu, Peipei Cao, The Underwater Target Detection Based on Multi-Feature Fusion, International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Automation, 2011, 460-463.
    17. Zhijing Xu , Jing Wang, Research on Sonar Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Median Filter and Morphology, Progress of Computer Technology Application, 2010, 232-235.
    18. Zhijing Xu, Bo Hu,Wireless Positioning Technology Research Based on CC2431, Electronic Design Engineering, 2009, 17(10), 10-13.
    19. Zhijing Xu, Weina Zhou, Study on Collection and Processing of the AIS’s Output Data, Navigation Technology, 2006, 2, 29-31.
    20. Zhijing Xu, Kaiyu Xu, Wenhua Hu, Research on ship navigation test system based on GPS, China Institute of Navigation Communication Navigation Professional Committee Symposium, 2006, 1-4.
    21. Zhijing Xu, Jiexian Wang, Numerical method to calculate coordinate transformation between AIS and radar object for information fusion, Journal of Shanghai Maritime University, 2005, 4, 78-81.
    22. Zongqiang An, Zhijing Xu, Study of acquisition and processing system to water quality based on Solinst Leverlogger3001,Electronic Design Engineering, 2012, 20(2), 100-103.
    23. Deying Feng, Kaiyu Xu, Xuzhijing, Sea-sky-line Detection in Infrared Images, Infrared, 2008, 29(9), 33-36.
    24. Weina Zhou ,Zhijing Xu, A Target Detection System Based on Matlab Web Server, proceedings of the second international symposium on Test Automation & Instrumentation, 2008, 2158-2161.
    25. Kaiyu Xu, Zhijing Xu, Huayao Zhen, Applications of wavelet transformation in ENC vector conversion,Journal of Shanghai Maritime University, 2005, 3, 68-71.
    26. Jiexian Wang, Zhijing Xu, Method of Calculating Numerical Derivative of Jacobin Matrix for Transform Among Space Cartesian Geodetic and Plan Co-ordinates, Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2004, 24(4), 19-23.
    27. Liu Kun, Guo Lei, Chen Jingsong. The Contourlet Transform for Image Fusion Using Cycle Spinning. System Engineering and Electronics, Vol. 22 (2) :353~357, 2011. (SCI:750ET)
    28. Liu Kun, Guo Lei, Li Huihui. Fusion of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Region Segmentation. Chinese Journal of Aeronautic, Vol.22(1):75~80,2009. (SCI:422NE)
    29. Liu Kun, Wang Xiaofeng. Oil Spill in SAR Image Denoising Method Based on Contourlet HMT, International Conference on Advanced Materials in Microwaves and Optics(AMMO2011),2011, 545~549, Bangkok, Thailand. (EI: 20120814796848)
    30. Hongqiong Huang,etc. Simulation of campus network’s video service performance based on OPNET [J], Microcomputer & its Applications. Vol.33 No.7. 2014.
    31. Zhang, J. Kulon, “Comparative Study of Square and Sine Wave Excitation Methods for the Measurement of Aerosol Particles Charge and Size Distribution using Phase Doppler Anemometry: Signal Processing Strategy, System Modelling and Optimisation”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 1397-1407, Apr. 2011.
    32. Jing Yang and Xiangzhong Fang, “Rate-distortion Optimized Selection of Motion Vectors for Video Transmission over Packet-loss channels”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E89-B, No. 12, pp.3494-3496, Dec. 2006.(SCI: 117MS)
    33. Jing Yang ,Xiangzhong Fang and Hongkai Xiong,“A Joint Rate Control Scheme for H.264 Encoding of Multiple Video Sequences”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,Vol. 51, No. 2, pp.617-623, MAY 2005. (SCI: 940WZ)
    34. Jing Yang and Xiangzhong Fang, “A Novel Dynamic Frame Rate Control Algorithm for H.264 Low-bit-rate Video Coding”, High Technology Letters. Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 53-57, Mar. 2007. (EI:071910594613)
    35. Ren Lei, Shi Chaojian, Ran Xin, Peng Jing, Salient target detection under sea environment using fractional Fourier transform, ICIC Express Letters, 2012, Vol.6, No.9, 2225-2230(EI檢索)



    1. A meteorological facsimile signal digitization method, No. 200810041013.8.
    2. 多模式切換的人臉檢測裝置和方法, No.201210290850.0
    3. 一種適用於海防監控的海上紅外小目標的檢測方法,No.201510649705.0.
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