電子郵箱💽:Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo, Qian Qian, Yin Jun, WeiMing Zeng (2015), The Change of Expression Configuration Affects Identity-Dependent Expression Aftereffect but Not Identity-Independent Expression Aftereffect, Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1937).
4. Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo, Shiyong Zhang (2010), The Influence of a low-level color or figure adaptation on a high-level face perception, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E93.D(1): 176-184.
5. Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo, Shiyong Zhang (2010), How do facial parts contribute to expression perception? An answer from the high-level face adaptation, Information: an international interdisciplinary journal, 13(6): 1947-1956.
6. Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo, Shiyong Zhang (2010), The contributions of facial features on the smiling and angry expressions judgment and its implication for the computer recognition system, IEEE international conference on information and automation, Harbin, P.R. China, 23-26.
7. Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo, Shiyong Zhang (2009), The output of human expression system measured by the visual adaptation and its implication for the computer recognition system, 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Xiamen, P.R. China, 10.11-14.
8. Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo (2008), The holistic coding mechanism revealed by the face adaptation paradigm, 10th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Japan, 2008.
9. Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo (2007), Affects of Impression of Face to Smile or Angry Perception, The International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research, Japan.
10. Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo (2007), Does the attractiveness-bias exist in the smile expression perception? , IPSJ SIG Technical Report, , CVIM-160(5), 23-28.
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1. “Spatial Correspondence Learning is Critical for the Sequence Effects of Symbolic Cueing”獲得2017年日本認知學會年度優秀論文獎(排名第三)
2. “The contributions of facial features on the smiling and angry expressions judgment and its implication for the computer recognition system”獲得2010年IEEE信息與自動化會議組委會優秀論文獎(排名第一)
1. 《基於互聯網+及產學協同育人導向的信管專業核心課程建設的探索與創新》獲上海海事大學教學成果一等獎(排名第二)
2. 《程序設計與開發課程教學策略的探索與實踐》獲上海海事大學教學成果一等獎(排名第二)
1. 2021年指導本科生孫佳怡、王磊、黃家琪參加上海市大學生計算機應用能力大賽獲上海市三等獎
2. 2021年指導本科生劉一帆、戴笑天、王磊團隊參加上海市大學生計算機應用能力大賽獲上海市優勝獎