• 法國南特大學Jean-François Diouris教授講座公告

    講座題目:Research activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Lab in Nantes – Focus on energy efficient communications

    主講人:Jean-François Diouris教授 法國南特大學

    講座時間💁🏿‍♂️:20161214 13:30




    After a brief presentation of the Electronic and Telecommunication Lab (IETR) in Rennes and Nantes, different works on energy efficient communication will be presented. The first work deals with synchronization, power control and energy efficiency of error control protocols for wireless sensor using cooperative communications. The second work concerns the trade-off between spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. The last work considers the energy optimization of an OOK transmitter using orthogonal modulation. Other activities in localization will be also briefly presented.




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